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5 ways to stay in shape for the summer

If you're looking to get in shape around the May-June period to be "ready for the summer" you've probably left it too late, and should click off this article. Ha! Just kidding, getting your body ready for the summer is overrated, and it should be ready regardless for what season it is.

Here are five ways to stay in shape during the summer:

Prioritize wholefoods

Focus on a diet rich in whole foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Minimize processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages. Instead, choose nutrient-dense options that provide sustained energy and satiety, examples: Grilled chicken with a quinoa and vegetable salad, fresh berries with Greek yogurt, and a handful of nuts for snacks.

I like to follow these guidelines, and so long as they're being followed you are on the right track.

1) Have green vegetables with all, if not most of your meals

2) Every meal should have a minimum of 20g of protein

3) Drink a minimum of 3 litres of water per day

4) Avoid carbohydrates in your final meal of the day

5) Cheat meals once or twice per week

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support metabolic processes, sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so drinking water can help manage cravings. Studies show drinking an adequate amount of water per day can help you lose up to 5-15% more weight, this is because there are numerous health benefits to drinking water other than weight loss, such as regulating body temperature, helping physiological processes and protecting vital organs.

Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, more if you're active or it's particularly hot.

Train HARD

Intense training should be ingrained in your lifestyle if you want to be in shape. It's crucial to maintain this commitment, regardless of how busy you get.

Training hard keeps your insulin sensitivity in check, burns plenty of calories, and ensures your metabolism stays active.

With the additional food intake, your performance will likely soar. Leverage this by setting goals to increase your strength on key lifts, using these targets as your focus throughout the summer months.

Rest when needed

This is no excuse to take leisurely rest days, but its important to schedule them to a maximum of two days per week where you don't sweat a drop, the reason being is when you workout you are damaging your muscle tissue in order for it to strengthen and grow you must rest.

Rest will ensure performance levels are sustainable, hormonal levels are in check, and stress is controlled. Managing stress is important as over-exerting yourself physically and mentally can lead to injuries and changes in your motivation levels.

Keep up with HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is scientifically proven to offer several health benefits. It effectively boosts cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and improving oxygen consumption. HIIT also enhances insulin sensitivity, helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

This form of exercise burns a significant number of calories in a short time and continues to burn calories post-workout due to the afterburn effect. Additionally, HIIT helps in building and preserving lean muscle mass while reducing body fat, making it an efficient workout for overall fitness and weight management.

You can pick 4 intense exercises, and perform them in circuit fashion for 2-3 rounds at 20-30 second intervals of maximal effort, with 10-15 seconds resrt inbetween. Here's an example:

A1) Goblet Squats

A2) Inertia Wave or Battle Ropes

A3) Squat Jumps

A4) Mountain Climbers

Do these exercises twice over, so eight exercises, rest two minutes and repeat. Do the entire circuit 4 times.

I would recommend 1-2 of these type of sessions per week for best results, to lightly put it, towards the end of each circuit you should feel  you're about to collapse on the floor from a lack of oxygen.

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