Location: Evolve Gym, South Ruislip
You often hear it thrown around in the gym that you should be benching atleast your bodyweight, squatting and deadlifting around twice. These types of statements are so absurd to me that they now personify the speaker taking the form of a classic "gym bro" who is lucky enough to have good genetics, a background in sport/weightlifting, likely drug-enhanced, managed to stay injury free.
I'm going to tell you why these statements of "how much you should be lifting" are arbritrary and dangerous at the same time.
Does not consider the uniqueness of the individual
The BMI chart rightfully gets a lot of criticism for being a broad, yet well-referenced barometer for physical health, yet we know a person can be 100 kilograms of muscle yet be diagnosed with borderline obesity using the BMI chart. Having it in your head that you SHOULD be lifting so and so is the same broad concept. What if you suffer from chronic back pain? What if you have injured your shoulder playing sport? What if you are overweight and lack mobility? What if your levers and biomechanics don't agree with certain weightlifting exercises?
People get it wrong
By telling someone they should be lifting this much, they have it instilled in their brain that it's normal and a baseline. This is where young people in particular fall into a trap and go head-first into the deep end, put 100 kilogram's on their puny backs and 60 kilogram's above their puny shoulders and end up practicing misaligned form and eventually attain life-sustaining injuries.
Its not everyone's goal
Health and fitness is so much more than how much you lift, it connects to mental health, physiological well-being, sport-specific performance, core strength, balance and stabilization, lean muscle mass, bodyfat percentages, posture, cognitive performance, proprioception, speed and agility, etc.
If weightlifting is your passion, seek the advice of a health professional such as a Personal Trainer, whom will tailor make a plan for you to safely build up those numbers to the best of your capabilities. It could take months or years of comittment, but you wouldn't go into any other field of practice, such as law without the help of a lawyer who has extenstive knowledge about the law would you? Visit the Personal Training or Online Training section of my page for more information!
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