Strength and power development are abilities important for athletic performance in almost all sports, likewise, it is important for the average gym-goer in the realms of ‘personal bests’ and lean muscle mass gain. Generally, people use resistance training with a weights and plate stack to improve these qualities.
Why not try something different?
Flywheel training utilises the kinetic energy transferred to a flywheel to create an interial moment (force). This allows for eccentric overload and variable resistance throughout the movement.
What is the KBOX?
It is a form of flywheel training, in essence, it works by placing one or more flywheels on a rotating shaft which is connected to a strap. The strap connects you to a harness or handle which you wear or hold, when you apply force the strap, it spins the shaft, consequently spinning the flywheel, the flywheel catches the strap and pulls back down with equal energy.
The flywheels come at different diameters and therefore masses, the bigger the flywheel, the larger the mass. To rotate or move more mass, you need to apply more force and the same goes true for stopping that rotating mass for the eccentric.
With the KBOX, every rep is a MAX-EFFORT REP, unlike with a barbell or dumbbell where only the final 1-2 reps is a maximum effort.
How else is it different to a barbell or dumbbell?
It provides superior eccentric forces by utilizing high-velocity eccentric overload, so you know how you ‘go down slowly’ during your squats and bench presses like Arnold? With the KBOX, you go down fast, but you have no choice in the matter because the rotating flywheels PULL you down forcefully.
The learning curve
This device works best for people who have dialled in their mind-muscle connection through years of training, you essentially need to let the muscles do the work on the eccentric and brace your core, rather than to give in and let the flywheel pull you all the way down.
What do the studies say?
A recent systematic review by Allen et al. (2021) looked at the physical effects of flywheel training on football players, the results are near-unanimous in reporting that you can improve muscular strength, power, vertical jump weight and quickness with flywheel training. It is picking up ground in the sports science sector because flywheel protocols involve lower volume and training frequency which is particularly attractive for time-stricken athletes, parents, entrepreneurs, young career-starters etc etc.
My experience with it
Personally, I made one of the best investments of my life, I had been able to squat 100kg’s for the first time since my lower back injury, I have seen noticeable muscle size increase in the lower body in particular using the KBOX Exxentric in such a short period of time. Most importantly, I am injury free.
Ready to transform your fitness journey? Take the first step towards achieving your goals with personal training!