The Core Momentum Trainer
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I’m big on the core, and by now you’ll know I have so many devices and methods which target the core. My newest addition is the core momentum trainer by Escape Fitness.
A good friend of mine and personal trainer [Instagram] @kotrainingzone has been using this device long before me, and after watching him and his clients use it had inspired me. So, I bought it.
This is a unique device, can be used in a variety of ways only limited by your imagination and physical capabilities. It works by performing a movement and jerking the device simultaneously, for instance in the video below I am performing a knee drive to a contralateral CMT upward golf swing.
The immediate halt of the device once I reach terminal velocity will cause the steel shots inside to aggressively hit an end of the cavity inside, this causes a sharp intrinsic force which attempts to put me off balance and break my movement chain for a split second.
It’s up to my body to harness this force and engage all the muscles required for stabilization and maintenance of optimal movement pattern.
If you have read my previous article ‘How to Train Your Core’ you’ll know why I don’t advocate sit ups, crunches, russian twists for overall core development [barring certain circumstances]. The CMT incorporates dynamic movement and activates your core by resisting tensions at differing angles, heights, body positions, tensions, and distances from the centre of mass, unlike most devices it is not fixed to the ground, or anchored to something, its able to move freely to the user’s will and needs.
If you're interested in building strength, improving your fitness, optimizing your athletic potential feel free to scroll down and find my email, let's see how we can work together!
Check out my CMT playlist on my YouTube below
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